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Sunday, September 07, 2008

A new school year

September 1st I started kindergarten again. There's 17 of us in the class, and we have 2 teachers who take turns teaching us. The first day I didn't want to let go of mama, but now I'm happily going into the classroom in the morning.

Lukas is doing great at daycare, he has a really nice lady taking care of him there everyday and he is enjoying it a lot. He has 2 teeth and is crawling paracommando-style very fast now. He's a good eater and a good sleeper (except when he is teething...). Since about a week we share a bedroom and it's going very well. Most nights we both sleep through the night (and mummy too!).

Papa's school didn't start yet, so he is taking an intensive Dutch language course.

Mama is working again since the end of April, and she seems to be enjoying it. She can work from home one day per week, which is really nice because then she can bring/fetch me from school. Other days I will have to go to daycare in the morning and/or evening.

This is a picture of Lukas and me in France during our family holiday in August.


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