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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yuram Lukas is 2 months old today

It's been 2 months already since Yuram Lukas was born. I'm still a little bit jealous sometimes, but I'm getting used to sharing my parents with him.

Yesterday we both had a check-up at the Child & Family service. Yuram Lukas also had to get his first vaccinations, the poor boy. He's been growing really well, weighing 6,330 kg and measuring 61 cm. Mummy is very happy that he sleeps so well at night, she usually only needs to feed him once or twice during the night.

I'm weighing almost 14 kg and measuring 93 cm. I enjoy going to school 4,5 days a week and I have learned so many new words since I started school. I also learned how to scream really loud and to kick, but mummy doesn't seem to appreciate my achievements... Every week we do activities around a certain theme. During health week we had a breakfast at school and we learned about healthy eating habits etc. Not all themes are so serious of course, we also had an elephant week (I brought my stuffed elephant to school that week), Bob the Builder week (we made our own tools!) and this week we have little chicks in the classroom. Today I could even bring two little chickens home for one night!

Daddy is very busy for school, but I get to see him more during the weekends. Mummy is still home on maternity leave, so she can bring me and fetch me from school every day.


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