Carolientje's blog

Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 07, 2008

A new school year

September 1st I started kindergarten again. There's 17 of us in the class, and we have 2 teachers who take turns teaching us. The first day I didn't want to let go of mama, but now I'm happily going into the classroom in the morning.

Lukas is doing great at daycare, he has a really nice lady taking care of him there everyday and he is enjoying it a lot. He has 2 teeth and is crawling paracommando-style very fast now. He's a good eater and a good sleeper (except when he is teething...). Since about a week we share a bedroom and it's going very well. Most nights we both sleep through the night (and mummy too!).

Papa's school didn't start yet, so he is taking an intensive Dutch language course.

Mama is working again since the end of April, and she seems to be enjoying it. She can work from home one day per week, which is really nice because then she can bring/fetch me from school. Other days I will have to go to daycare in the morning and/or evening.

This is a picture of Lukas and me in France during our family holiday in August.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yuram Lukas is 2 months old today

It's been 2 months already since Yuram Lukas was born. I'm still a little bit jealous sometimes, but I'm getting used to sharing my parents with him.

Yesterday we both had a check-up at the Child & Family service. Yuram Lukas also had to get his first vaccinations, the poor boy. He's been growing really well, weighing 6,330 kg and measuring 61 cm. Mummy is very happy that he sleeps so well at night, she usually only needs to feed him once or twice during the night.

I'm weighing almost 14 kg and measuring 93 cm. I enjoy going to school 4,5 days a week and I have learned so many new words since I started school. I also learned how to scream really loud and to kick, but mummy doesn't seem to appreciate my achievements... Every week we do activities around a certain theme. During health week we had a breakfast at school and we learned about healthy eating habits etc. Not all themes are so serious of course, we also had an elephant week (I brought my stuffed elephant to school that week), Bob the Builder week (we made our own tools!) and this week we have little chicks in the classroom. Today I could even bring two little chickens home for one night!

Daddy is very busy for school, but I get to see him more during the weekends. Mummy is still home on maternity leave, so she can bring me and fetch me from school every day.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

I finally have a baby brother!

Today mummy gave birth to my baby brother Yuram Lukas. He weighed 3.6 kg and measured 52.5 cm at birth - almost as big as I was ;-)

Oma and opa took me to see him this afternoon, but I fell asleep on the way to the hospital...

This is me holding Lukas for the first time.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Still waiting

I've been going to school for several days now, and according to the teacher I'm doing really well. I do cry a little bit when mummy drops me off in the morning, but that's over pretty quickly. I've been using the small toilet just like the other kids, so maybe I'll be able to go to school without diapers soon.

As for mummy, she's STILL walking around with a big belly. It seems the baby doesn't want to come out and play with me?!? Hopefully he won't wait much longer, we're all waiting impatiently to meet him!

Monday, January 07, 2008

My first day of school!

Today was my first day of school! I'm exactly 30 months old today, that's the minimum age to enter kindergarten in Belgium.

I was so happy to see so many kids after spending 2 weeks at home, and I was so busy playing in the classroom with the sand, I didn't mind at all when mummy left. Hopefully I will still be as happy when she comes to fetch me this afternoon!

You can find some pictures of me and my new teacher here.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Almost Christmas

Hi everyone,

It's almost Christmas again and mummy has been very busy the past year.
In april we moved to a house in the same village as where oma and opa live, so I can still see them a lot. Daddy became a student again and is going to Brussels everyday for classes. Mummy will be home from work for a while, as she will be taking care of my little brother or sister due in a couple of weeks.

And I will start kindergarten after the Christmas holidays, tomorrow will be my last day in daycare already!

Maybe now that mummy is home for a while, she will have more time to update this blog...

Monday, March 12, 2007

Lots of changes

Mummy was so busy recently that she didn't have much time to update this blog. But you can find lots of pictures and videos on my dropshots website ;-)

I started going to daycare last month, at first just a few hours a day, and now I am going full-time 4 days a week. On Wednesdays my grandparents take care of me.
Mummy started working on March 1st, so I really enjoy spending more time with her on the weekends. And we're waiting impatiently for daddy to come from Korea, he will move here end of March or beginning of April. Mummy already rented a house for us to live in, not too far from opa and oma's house. We're waiting for daddy to arrive before moving in.

February 17th was Chinese/Korean New Year, and oma's brother came from Brazil, so we had a big family celebration.

The last 2 weeks of February auntie May and Dongeun came to visit us from Sweden. I enjoyed their company so much and miss them a lot. I often go to check the room they stayed in, but they're never there :-(