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Sunday, February 19, 2006

Jeju - part 2

Me all dressed up to attend the wedding! Daddy and another colleague who flew to Jeju to attend the wedding didn't bring their invitations, so they didn't know where the wedding was taking place. They only remembered it started around 12h30, so they decided to go for a drive around Halla mountain together, and they would call another colleague during the morning to find out where the wedding was.
On the right is a picture of mummy & daddy with Halla mountain in the background, still covered in snow (I was asleep during most of the drive, so I'm not in the picture, I didn't even see the mountain!)
At 11 o'clock they found out the wedding was at 11h30... We still made it in time to have lunch there, and daddy was early enough to be in the official wedding picture with all of the groom's friends and colleagues.
After the wedding we drove around for a couple of hours and did some more sightseeing, before heading to the airport and flying back home to Ulsan. It was so nice to go on a trip with mummy and daddy, I hope they will take me on many more!



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